Sunday, January 13, 2019

Where do YOU find your Inspiration?

Good morning!
First and foremost I need to thank God for this beautiful sunshiny morning!! WOW!! I love when I can wake up in January (or any day!) to a bright sky and sunshine..even if it will be short lived! I feel energized!!

Now .. on to my question? When you are crafting, do you ever find yourself in a creative rut? Or suffer from lack of inspiration? I know I do!! And that is where I have been stuck since the Christmas holidays!

Well, on Thursday, January 10, over on the CTMH blog, Make it from the Heart, they shared the topic "5 Ways to Get Out of a Creative Rut and Get Inspired"! (check it out here) Yay! The timing was perfect!!

So, I read and then went to work! I started by tidying up my craft space! That was a chore in itself!! And then I went to my happy photos!! Why? Because that is where all my favorite people, places and things are kept for quick reference! It's where I can go to unlock my memories! And there it was...a perfect, fun-filled afternoon that I had spent with my granddaughter McKenzie!

So..when you are stuck...don't stay in that place! There is inspiration all around you! Tap into a happy place and get started!!

Until next time...Happy Scrappin'!

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