Thursday, September 10, 2015

ZOE is soft and sweet!

I am having so much FUN playing with Zoe!! And it stands to reason that I would highlight this page with my beautiful granddaughter ZOE!!! She was so excited when I told her that Close to My Heart named one of our new paper packs ZOE!!
Can you see the stitching? That is a FUN new thing we will be adding to our pages!!

And I just LOVE the new compliments and assortments!! Layering is so easy!!


I will be playing with ZOE all day so you can expect to see more creative FUN!!!

If you can't wait to play with ZOE, visit my website and get your ZOE papers, compliments and assortments shipped directly to your home!! Click here to get started!

Until next time, Happy Scrappin' my Friends!!!

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