Sunday, February 15, 2015

Scrapbooking is for EVERYONE!!

Scrapbooking is for everyone! And I am so fortunate that I am able to share a craft with you that I LOVE and am incredibly passionate about! I absolutely love to scrapbook and I truly believe that it is important! It's great that we take thousands of photos every year but then what? We take photos because we want to remember moments. We want the ability to look back and remember special people, places and events.
 The way we do that is by printing those photos and putting them in albums to share with our friends and family. Scrapbooking is doing the same thing! It's just adding a pop of color, a few embellishments and actually telling the story through journaling. We do that so that years from now, when we are no longer here, our children and grandchildren can grab one of the family albums, and take a trip down memory lane. Journaling allows future generations the ability to identify their ancestors and learn about family, their family!
Scrapbooks are wonderful ways for children to see in pictures how much they are loved! Some of my favorite times with my granddaughters are spent "reading" their scrapbooks. My youngest granddaughter, McKenzie, will come to visit and ask if she can "read" her book. She will go through that book several times touching each picture and identifying each relative. She will say, "look gramma...Aunt Meg is kissing me. She loves me!". "Look gramma, Uncle Joe took me to the park!"
It helps to foster the LOVE shared by family!!!
I agree that the idea of scrapbooking can be overwhelming at first! There are so many pictures! So many years to catch up on! Where do I begin?
BEGIN with a photo! Any photo! Take a photo off your phone, off your computer and put it on a piece of paper with a note telling the story of the moment! Document it so that several years from now you can look back and remember every detail about a memory that was so incredibly special that you chose to photograph it! And viola' have scrapbooked a page! It is totally up to you how simple or embellished your page will be! There is no right or wrong!
I know that many of you have thousands of pictures in photo albums, My question to you is this...who are these people? where was this taken? why did you take this picture? And most forward 20 years from now. Your grandchildren are looking through that same photo album. Will they know that they are looking at photos of their great-grandparents?
TELL THE STORY! You don't need to write a book...share notes! Document people, places and things!! Trust me when I tell you...they will smile and laugh for hours as they learn about who they really are!
Now I shall finish by sharing my attempt at creating the next generation of scrapbookers!
Today, I hosted my first group of young scrappers in the Kids Scrapbook Club! It was FABULOUS!!  I want to share with these children the value of telling their story! I want them to learn how wonderful it feels to inspire others, to be creative and to make new FRIENDS while sharing a craft or hobby! We all had so much FUN!!! I can't wait until our next club date!!!

                                                              The SMILES say it all!!!

happy scrappin' my friends!!

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