Sunday, September 21, 2014

Little Secrets!

Hello Scrapbook Friends! I have been so busy posting on the Facebook page that I have neglected the blog! I will get it figured out, promise!!
Yesterday we had the first Scrapbook workshop of "our season"!! It was wonderful being reunited with everyone! We had a GREAT turnout and I can't wait for the October workshop!! It is going to be awesome!! But, I must admit, I was a bit tired today! I unloaded the car this morning and got everything back in its proper place early this evening. I really wanted to work on something but didn't have the energy to be overly creative. So...I pulled out last month's Paper Pumpkin. I know, a Close to my Heart consultant supporting the "competition"!! Unheard of right? Well, the way I see it, when I support my fellow small business partners (this one being my daughter), they in turn will support me! And quite frankly, there are a million wonderful products and even more wonderful ideas, to build your own business and expand your creativity!!
Anyway, my Stampin' Up Paper Pumpkin kit came with an abundance of supplies! And once I got going and assembled the kit as directed, I decided to use what was left and create a few more cards using my Close to my Heart products!! And in doing so, I remembered there was a great technique I had forgotten to share with you!!!
I pulled out a piece of Confetti Wishes B&T paper, my thistle and canary inks, and continued assembling the cards as I had been doing. The cards were adorable! I was able to modify things a bit using my sponge dauber to accent the banners (the pink on the reverse side was a horrible match). When it came time to add the finishing touches I was momentarily frustrated though, because I did not have the right color bling to accent my cards. AND I LOVE BLING!! But, then it came to me....using my ShinHan twin touch marker (peony purple) I could color my clear bling for a perfect match!!! That's right! You can use your markers to color your bling for a perfect match for any project!!!
Enjoy the tip!! And have a great night!!!


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