Sunday, March 9, 2014

Talented Scrappers!

I wanted to share some of the amazing artwork that was created during our Winter Retreat! I love these weekends as they are wonderful opportunities to share creativity and be inspired by one another! And of course, the FRIENDSHIP!!!
At each retreat we extend an invitation to participate in a project "contest". You select your favorite piece of artwork to display, and we all choose 3 of our favorite pieces! The top three favorites win prizes!! It is so much fun and another great way to showcase all the amazing talents!!
Entries this time included page layouts, beautiful cards and simply adorable mini albums! Flip flaps have become very popular at our retreats!! The girls love them!! And I am not even intimidated by them anymore!! Fun! Fun! Fun!!

Melissa was our 3rd place winner with this adorable Christmas page!

   Sarah was our second place winner with this beautiful 2 page layout.  She has become an expert at creating gorgeous layouts using the flip flaps!

And this entry by Rose won First Place! Her attention to detail is just amazing! Love radiates from the photos and the artwork! Simply Beautiful!

I want to thank everyone that shared their artwork!All of the entries were amazing!! I can't wait to see what you all create this Spring!!!!

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